“Excellent Teaching, Excellent Effort, Excellent Progress: Every Child, Every Lesson, Every Day.”
Love – Equality – Compassion
This statement was refined by the Governing Board and the Senior Leadership Team of our school in response to the Church of England’s vision for education – 2019.
The parable of the Good Samaritan reminds us that we should serve those in need whoever they are. Such service is not offered in order to gain advantage for ourselves. “Going the extra mile” involves commitment and putting ourselves out for someone else’s benefit.
Kentish Town Church of England Primary School Mission Statement
Governors and staff have agreed that the Christian values of Love, Equality and Compassion underpin the work of our school.
In order to deliver our shared vision for our children we will:
- Be aspirational for our children and expect them to work hard at all times
- Inspire our children and each other with excellent teaching every day
- Encourage children to take risks in their learning
- Listen.
- Celebrate differences in culture, language, appearance and ability
- Celebrate small and large achievements
- Teach an engaging, creative and fun curriculum where each and every child can achieve and excel
- Work closely with parents and carers at all times.
- Celebrate God’s love for each of us
- Inspire a love of learning in each child
- Demonstrate care and compassion for all children and adults in our community
- Catch children “doing the right thing” and celebrate those moments.