What is a Rights Respecting School?

It is with great pleasure that the children and staff in our school were awarded Gold Level of the Rights Respecting Schools Award in July 2022.  This means that children and all members of our school community have a deeper understanding of their rights as set out in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and that they are campaigning to make our school, our city and the world a better place for children everywhere.

The assessment involved a full day’s inspection, during which two assessors looked at a variety of different evidence and interviewed the Senior Leadership Team, children, other teachers and teaching assistants, parents and governors.

The final report outlined key strengths of our Rights Respecting school:

  • A strong commitment from the leadership team to develop and sustain rights respecting values at the centre of the school’s ethos;
  • The school ethos is caring and nurturing – all children are valued and are aware that they have the same expected learning outcomes as others;
  • The children are given regular opportunities to express their views and initiate decisions and actions within the school and beyond;
  • The school has an outward looking perspective engaging with the wider community locally, nationally and internationally.

Moving forward, we will be helping other schools to develop their work to be more Rights Respecting and hope to spread the word – it is a truly fantastic initiative and we feel that ALL children around the country should get involved!

A42: All children have the right to know their rights!

Rights Respecting Re-Accreditation Report