Physical Disability Resource Base Admissions Guidance

A resource base is a specialist provision within a mainstream school for a specific area of special need or disability. A resource base aims to support children and young people who will benefit from additional specialist support in order to achieve full inclusion in mainstream classes and access the curriculum.

The Physical Disability Resource Base provision is for young people with an Education, Health and Care Plan describing a physical disability as their primary need. These children may also have additional learning, speech and language  or sensory needs.   With significant additional support, these children, can succeed in a mainstream environment. Such young people would not meet the threshold for a special school.

Admissions Guidance:

The young person will have an Education, Health and Care Plan with physical disability as a primary need.

The young person requires adaptations to the physical environment (as recommended by an OT or PD specialist as part of individual risk assessment), specialist equipment (as advised by OT/Physiotherapist) and adult support to be able to access the mainstream curriculum and environment.

The young person has potential to benefit from access to an adapted mainstream curriculum. The young person must be able to progress towards accessing mainstream sessions for at least 70% of their time in school and benefit from the inclusion in the mainstream environment.

The young person may require some aspects of the curriculum to be taught in a small group within the resource class area and requires access to daily programmes such as physiotherapy and occupational therapy.

The following considerations apply:

a)    The pupil can access the mainstream curriculum but may need it presented in a highly specialised and flexible way with opportunities for consolidation.

b)    The provision is not suitable for pupils who have significant profound development delay and/or learning difficulties and/or extremely limited cognitive ability.

c)    Pupils who require special education provision because they have a physical disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of the educational facilities generally provided. These difficulties may be age related and may fluctuate over time.

d)    The pupil has a physical disability with additional complexities as a result of trauma and an assessment place (time limited) is required because potential functioning isn’t clear.